Careful tutorial action
Tutoring is a cornerstone of Legamar’s philosophy and essential to our personalised follow-up of students. That is why tutors have at least one interview with each family per trimester, besides the group tutoring time included in the schedule for all courses. In addition, tutors have interviews with the students since the first year of Compulsory Secondary Education at age 12. These interviews are increasingly important as students grow older, as they themselves are involved in the development of their own learning and get support in making important decisions.
The Tutorial Action Plan developed by the centre focuses on the development of learning strategies, improving coexistence and school atmosphere, and the physical and emotional well-being of students.

Guidance Department
The Guidance Department of Colegio Legamar works in Early and Primary Education on Psycho-pedagogical and Speech Therapy aspects and expands its competence to Academic and Professional Guidance in Compulsory Secondary Education and the Baccalaureate.
The Team is made up of 6 specialists: 2 Clinical Psychologists, 1 Clinical Psychologist specialised in Hearing and Language Development, 2 Speech Therapists and 1 Hearing and Language Teacher, a specialist in Therapeutic Pedagogy, a Psychomotor Therapist and an Academic and Professional Counsellor who focus on prevention, intervention and guidance across the entire student body, besides responding to the educational needs of the students to take account of our School’s diversity.
Educational support and reinforcement programme
The Academic Support Programme (ASP) serves the diverse student body of our Secondary School. Its purpose is to work with these students on how to learn so that they learn to self-regulate and organise.
There is also additional tutoring in all instrumental subjects from the 1st year of PE to the 2nd year of the Baccalaureate.
The Asian community has grown significantly in our school for a number of years now. This shows that often times students with a very low level of Spanish or who do not speak the language at all are welcomed into our educational system. Colegio Legamar has developed an adaptation plan for them, which includes Spanish classes with a teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language during school hours.
Academic Guidance Programme:
A personalised Academic and Professional Guidance programme is carried out in Secondary School and the Baccalaureate, which includes personal interviews with the school counsellor and participation in conferences and workshops.